"pendekatan psiko-socio culture merupakan prasyarat memahami perilaku masyarakat dan membangun kesadaran bersama untuk mengelola kawasan konservasi yang lebih manusiawi"

04 November 2015

Co management and Livelihood: Challenges and Opportunities

“Forestry is not about trees, it is about people. And it is about trees only insofar as trees can serve the needs of people”
(Westoby, 1967).

It is important to have common understanding that forest is not only trees or habitat of wildlife. In Indonesia, or mostly in Asia, Africa, and Latin America, if we talk about forest as an ecosystem or landscape, we have to include  communities living inside or nearby forest area or event for those who live far away but their livelihood, their food, health, and quality of life depend upon forest resources and its environmental services. Timber, water supply for consumption, agriculture, and estate, water balance, micro climate; prevention from erosion, landslide, the role of pollination processes, non timber forest products such as rattan, honey, medicinal plants, materials for roof, clothing, housing, canoes, ropes; river system in the forest are part of important transportation system, and so on. More than 2.4 billion people or 40 percent of people live in less developed countries still used firewood for cooking (State of the World’s Forest 2014).