"pendekatan psiko-socio culture merupakan prasyarat memahami perilaku masyarakat dan membangun kesadaran bersama untuk mengelola kawasan konservasi yang lebih manusiawi"

13 Oktober 2014

Time for Local People’s Involvement in Managing Forests

The legacy of Guru Mahatma Gandhi for humanity are Three ”A”. Ahimsa-stop using violent to achieve our goals; Anekanta-the goodness and dynamic of dialogue should consider and respect difference interest , and Aparigraha-awareness of every participant to develop dialogue that consider universal values of humanity, human rights, goodness and badness. This 3A is still relevant for us if we intend to solve conflict in forest management. Local community, traditional community  should be put as a subject and they should involve and actively participate from the first  phase in forest management cycle. The Three ”A” is the most basic important principles to be imlemented in any dialogues facilitated by government, CSOs, or private sectors.

Result from research led by Indonesia’s geographical expert, Belinda Margono, who is at the moment pursuing her PhD at the University of Maryland USA, is quite striking for many of us. She stated that the destruction of natural forest in Indonesia throughout the period of 2000-2012 has affected 5.02 million-hectare forest areas or altogether almost in the same size of Sri Lanka. The area of degraded forest in Indonesia in 2012 reached 840,000 hectares or twice of the area of degraded natural forest in Brazil (460,000 hectares), of the same year (National Geographic Indonesia, 1 July 2014). As such, towards which direction will we bring the Forestry of Indonesia?